Eye on the Eastern Mediterranean Sea plus


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The Western Alliance has lost it! They will be going around stirring things up and causing mayhem everywhere in a power mongering spree.

That is the way of the antichrist dajjal.

In a couple of month's time, Russia will declare war on the US for their act of war in orchestrating the "Islamic State" attack on Crocus City Hall Moscow concert just a couple of days ago.

Here's a sliver of what's to come:
Understanding the Unthinkable: Scott Ritter Discusses Crocus City Hall Terror -

Background info to bring up to speed on the issues at hand - Video Infoblog with Transcript: Hyperimperialism: US/NATO’s Dangerous and Decadent New Stage, with Vijay P.rashad

On the cards will be the liberation of Palestine, which has been under a brutal Israeli occupation for 75 plus years now.

News to watch out for include the masive eruption of Mount Uludaq near Busra, Turkiye, otherwise known as Mount Olympus, which is an active volcano, as well as the death of three kings in Arabia in quick succession, within a matter of months.

The Sea of Galilee, Lake Tabariyya, is already dry: www.savethekinneret.com.

At the following numbers,
As of 13/07/2020
Lower Red Line
Upper Red Line
Black Line

the fresh water lake will not recover.

Sign of the Times: Eastern Mediterranean Sea is already congested with warships at DuckDuckGo

The liberation of Palestine will coincide wth the end of imperialism, which will not emerge anymore.

The October 7 2023 breach of Israeli defenses via a coordinated attack by the Islamic resistance group (Hamas) is a counter terrorist operation to break 75 years of Israeli oppression, which was carried out to deprive Palestinian Arabs (mostly Muslims and Christians and a small number of Zoroastriansj of their most basic rights to life such as food, water, fuel and electricity.

Once in a while, the Israeli military would conduct military operations to kill, maim, and disrupt the lives of Palestinians in Palestinian territories in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem with casualties amounting from several hundred running to thousands. 

The mainstream corporamedia has failed humanity, failed the Palestinian civilians (men, women, children, and the elderly), and failed the Jews residing within the state of Israel or outside of Israel.

The elite members of Israeli society, some European and American bankers, and the weapons and munitios suppliers are guilty of the crime of genocide against the Palestinians.

The rest of humanity is just begining to open their minds  to Israeli oppression and cruel treatment of Palestinians 

For the next few months, I expect the number of terror campaigns against all of humanity worldwide to increase until Imam Mahdi makes Takbir (Allahu Akbar). By that time the antichrist dajjal (a jinn which can take on human form) will have instigated the death of millions of  people worlwide already.

Locally, our trial will end by floods which will drown many unless we manage to seek guaranteed safety by being inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the City of Medina in Arabia and in Damascus in Syria, which will be the setting of where Isa ibn Maryam will first meet dajjal at Mount Qasyoun, with Nabi Isa at the top and dajjal below. Isa ibn Maryam will chase dajjal and kill him. Other places, no guarantee of safety. 


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