Israel has alternately supported and attacked Hamas, depending on its strategic interests, and how it has used the label of “terrorism” to justify its military aggression and blockade of Gaza

Tareq Baconi is a Palestinian writer and author of the book Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance1

In his book, he argues that Israel has helped create and sustain Hamas as a way of dividing and ruling the Palestinian people, and preventing the emergence of a unified and sovereign state. 

He traces the history of Hamas from its origins as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, to its rise as a popular resistance movement, to its containment in Gaza as a de facto government. 

He shows how Israel has alternately supported and attacked Hamas, depending on its strategic interests, and how it has used the label of “terrorism” to justify its military aggression and blockade of Gaza. 

He also examines how Hamas has adapted to the changing realities on the ground, and how its ideology and policies have ultimately undermined the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

Reference: Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance by Tareq Baconi 2: “Divide and Rule”: How Israel Helped Start Hamas to Weaken Palestinian Hopes for Statehood | Democracy Now!

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