Why do you think there has been no insurrection against Hamas among the people of Gaza?

Palestinians in Gaza understand who their enemies are. 

Hamas is not the enemy of the Palestinians in Gaza.

Hamas is in no way responsible for Israel’s reaction on or before October 7, 2024.

This question reminds of scenes in which innocent victims are blamed for the actions of criminals. Hamas is in no way the pro-active actor in the Israeli-Gaza conflict. Hamas is a re-active psrty to decades of Israeli oppression since 1948.

Hamas is the only credible political movement which can stand up against the Palestinian Authority which Palestinians view as corrupt and possibly collaborating with the Israeli on the one hand, and more importantly stand up against the brutal Israeli regime on the other.

Hamas is the only political movement which is viewed by Palestinians as the only political group which is posing a credible resistance to Israeli oppression. Hamas should also be viewed as a counter terrorist group which is fighting Israeli oppression.

Hamas is the only liberation movement which is committed to help Palestinians resist illegal Israeli occupation since 1948. More about that here: Dr Wilde issues legal opinion on Israeli occupation of Palestinian West Bank including E Jerusalem & Gaza -


The October 7, 2024 breach of Israeli defenses by Hamas freedom fighters should be viewed as a breath of fresh air not only for Palestinians, opening up its liberation against the Israeli regime which has imposed a suffocating economic blockade in Palestinne since 2007. This blockade restricts the movement of goods and people in and out of the Gaza Strip. It has also been described by human rights groups as a form of collective punishment, contributing to economic hardship for Palestinians. Collective punishment is considered a war crime, and it stands in stark contrast to the principles of individual accountability and justice

More reasons why the people of Gaza engaged in counter terrorism activities against Israel: by Amnesty International. Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity -


The people of Gaza has had enough of Israeli injustice and they fought back on October 7, 2024 in a formidable military operation.

The October 7 breach of Israeli defenses by Hamas should also be viewed as a turning point in world history with the tide going in the direction of liberation for humanity and against imperialism.

Continued decolonization and liberation for all indigeneous peoples should be lauded by the peoples of the world.

In fact, the PR wave is solidly turning in favour of the Palestinians, who is seen exhibiting patience in the face of heavy Israeli bombardment. The more Gaza is bombed, the more beautifully Palestinian resilience shines, which is how the world is viewing the situation in Gaza now on top of shared humanity with them.

People should also laud the ICJ case brought up by South Africa against Israel, which has paved the way for the further emaciation of imperialism. Just for sake of interest, the Son of Mary will return to face dajjal, the antichrist, who wiil be killed by His Holiness. By that time all technology would have stopped already and the Son of Mary will play the role of King over the whole world after he returns.

As the occupying power over Gaza in particular, Israel is duty bound to provide for the needs of the people there and not treat them as irritants to be smited. It is clear that Israel as an occupying power over Palestine has failed to provide for the well-being of the people there.

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