Comment on Israel’s self-destruction Netanyahu, the Palestinians, and the price of neglect by Aluf Benn

Israel’s self-destruction Netanyahu, the Palestinians, and the price of neglect by Aluf Benn -

The article portrays Israel as a deeply divided and dysfunctional country, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has eroded its democratic institutions and alienated its allies. The article argues that Israel’s neglect of the Palestinian issue and its failure to pursue a viable peace agreement have led to its self-destruction.

The article is written by Aluf Benn, the editor-in-chief of Haaretz, a liberal Israeli newspaper that is often critical of Netanyahu and his policies. Benn is a veteran journalist and commentator who has covered Israeli politics and security for over three decades. He has interviewed several Israeli leaders, including Netanyahu, and has written extensively about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the prospects for peace.

The article has generated a lot of reactions and debates, both in Israel and abroad. Some have praised it as a realistic and sobering warning of the dangers of ignoring the Palestinian plight and the need for a two-state solution. 

Some have accused it of being anti-Israeli or even anti-Semitic, while others have defended it as a legitimate and courageous exercise of free speech and journalism.

The article reflects the deep polarization and uncertainty that characterize the current situation in Israel and the region. It raises important questions about the future of Israel and its relations with the Palestinians and the world. It also challenges the readers to think about the possible consequences of their actions and inactions, and the moral and political choices they face.

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