Transcribed Video Infoblog: Why You Shouldn't Be Silent About Palestine: (Insights from Paulo Freire)

Why You Shouldn't Be Silent About Palestine: (Insights from Paulo Freire)
Discover why it's important to speak out about Palestine, with insights from Paluo Freire. learn more about the issues facing Palestine and why it's crucial to raise awareness. What is Postcolonialism? Since I claim to be a postcolonialism scholar, I think it is apt to include a brief description of my field of study. In my view, Postcolonialism ( also written as Post Colonialism or Post-Colonialism) is a dynamic field of literary study that focuses on the history of colonialism and native responses to the colonial policies and life after colonialism formally ends. The field of postcolonialism also offers insights into the literature and culture of the the former European colonies and their struggles after the end of colonialism. Disclosure: Postcolonial Space sometimes displays merchant affiliate links in the video descriptions. We only generate revenue after someone clicks on a link and makes a purchase/ performs an action on the resulting page!


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