Brief Summary of the Events before and after the Breach of Gaza Electric Fence by Hamas


Hamas got hostages which they will keep in exchange for Palestinian self-determination.

Hamas has exposed Israel and its allies to be anti-peace. To date Israel has killed more than 35 000 Palestinians, mostly women and children with bombs and munitions from its allies, notably the US.

Humanity balks at the sight of babies whose bodies are burnt by Israeli bombs from tanks on the ground and bombs from Israeli military aircraft.

It is doubtful whether Israel’s militaristic approach will be successful. Even if they win the war, they would lose the peace. Hamas has learnt from the war in Vietnam and decided to resist by building tunnels extensively, which they did and today it continues to serve them well.

Vietnam successfully defended itself against the US which was much better equipped militarily and logistically that time. Today, Hamas is defending itself successfully against a much better equipped Israel by making use of the tunnel network.

Bombs work only if the target is exposed. Bombs don’t work if the target is shielded. Hamas tunnels has worked well to shield its fighters because they are underground. Israel can blast every building above ground to rubble and miss the target completely because the target is below ground level. Bombing buildings in Gaza to smithereens is not a good strategy because the enemy is not there in the first place.

Bombing hospitals make even less sense and will backfire on Israel PR-wise.

Hamas fighters are hidden whereas Israeli soldiers are exposed. Hamas fighters make every bullet that leaves the gun barrel count by popping out of the tunnel and making precise shots at their exposed targets. Hamas has successfully held the ground in Gaza whereas Israel is not efficient in using munitions.

People around the world are extremely skeptical about Israel’s narrative about its attack in Gaza. Reason? Using mobile technology and TikTok videos, the people of the world can view heartwrenching videos of babies and civilians who have been attacked by the Israeli military.

Even if Israel is winning the war in Gaza, they are losing war against over human sympathy over Gaza. Human sympathy is a powerful backlash against inhumane treatment of innocent lives. The prime minister of Israel understands this and has urged President Biden to clamp down on student protests on campuses in US universities.

Kudos to the youths in the US whose stout idealistic hearts stand for truth on account of Gaza.

Student protests project the vitality of a society especially when it is done in the face of oppression. Students in the US are sympathetic towards the Palestinians, who are standing up against oppression. No one loves the bully, which is personified by Israel.

For seventy five years, the Palestinians have endured humiliation after humiliation on top of dispossesion and ill-treatment by a belligerent colonial occupier of their land.

October 7 2023 was an opening for Gaza as it is also an opening for the rest of the world. In effect, the breach of the security fences by Hamas was the fall of the first domino that will continue cause a domino effect until justice for the Palestinians prevail.

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