Video Infoblog with Transcript: Scott Ritter: Israel's CLEAR FAILURE In Middle East! ALL CRIMES AND GEN0CIDE Will Soon Be Paid For!





what this conflict between Israel and Iran is really about is it about sinking


collapsing dollar is it about oil and one more part to this question I would


really like to know since we hav't talk when that took place on April 1 what was


the main goal for Israel to attack that


uh Iranian was it consulate or Embassy in Damascus in Syria where seven people


I believe died and two of them were officers one was the commander and the second is his Deputy what was the main


goal of it so first part is what this conflict between Israel and Iran is really about and what what was the goal


for Israel to attack that place in theam Mascus okay well we have to go back in


uh time and history to understand that Israel and Iran are not natural enemies um during


the time of the Sha actually Israel and Iran had a close relations uh and um you


know friendly relations um with the Islamic revolution a government came


into power that took umbrage over a number of things one um Israel's


treatment of the Palestinian people um I think Iran is the only country in the world the Islamic Republic of Iran is


the only country in the world that sets aside a percentage of its budget by law um to provide assistance to the


Palestinian people um so it's it's real it's not just rhetoric it's not the


American uh you know where we claim that we want a Palestinian State and yet we veto a security Council resolution that


will give the Palestinian statehood um so there's no hypocrisy amongst the uh the Iranians you don't have to agree


with them but there's no hypocrisy here what you see is what you get and the other thing is um


Israel's uh posture in the region um Israel a


small nation um seeks disproportional um influence in a region


Israel will Brook no potential adversaries um of you know equal or


greater strength the United States has guaranteed Israel that it will maintain technological Supremacy not superiority


but Supremacy over um the totality of all potential adversaries that means that we're going to keep the Israelis uh


equipped with the best military technology uh so that Israel could prevail and any conflict this is of the


deter posture on the part of Israel to create the perception that um if you


attack Israel because it's a small country you can't afford to let people just sit there and punch it so what it's


saying is if you attack us we will hit back so hard that you will forever regret doing this and that's deterrence


people will say well we don't want to uh we don't want to hit Israel um and then the United States also further backs


Israel by you know guaranteeing their security that we're we we have have you know various um defense Arrangements uh


we train with them we share intelligence uh and we provide diplomatic cover for them at the United Nations as we just


showed with the veto of a a resolution calling for Palestinian statehood and so now if you're you know you're you're


Iran and you're trying to support um the Palestinian cause but you know Iran is


not a nation that has a history of invading its neighbors or provoking Wars or conflicts there was a period of time


after the Islamic revolution where um the the government of Iran the theocracy


sought to export Islamic revolution and so the Iranian revolutionary guards command did in fact send operatives


abroad um including in Gulf Arab states to uh to try and F unrest uh with the


goal of bringing down governments or at least weakening governments so there there's no doubt that at one period of


time early on in the life of this Islamic Republic that that was their policy posture but sometime in the mid


1980s there was a sea change so to speak um first of all Iran was at war with Iraq and so it really couldn't afford to


Jin up more enemies um and the more Iran sought to create Islamic revolution in


the Sunni Arab states the more of those Sunni Arab states supported Saddam Hussein's Iraq uh against Iran so it was


sort of a self-defeating policy the other thing is that many of the operatives that they sent over into


Europe to uh to kill um opponents uh Kurdish opponents the wadin alul um


other political opponents um saw Europe for what it was these are


you know young Fanatics um who had never left around before uh who um basically


came of age during the revolution and they learned uh Street violence I mean these were the people that brutally


suppressed the mo Al They brutally suppressed the Kurds um and now they're in Europe and their fanaticism ran into


Western reality um and they they realized that the West actually in many cases had its act together and this


isn't my spe ulation this is actually I I did go to Iran in 2005 and I um I met


with a a former I don't know if you're ever former Iranian revolutionary guard


Commander um who told me this he was one of the guys who killed the mujin cul executed them he suppressed the Kurds


Man Of Violence who went to Europe and participated in actions against the regime opponents um he doesn't apologize


for it he said they were our enemies we were at War I mean they were trying to kill us so we killed them uh but he came back from Europe and said we don't need


to be at war with the West in fact we should be looking to have good relations with the West because the West has its


act together yes we don't need you know pornography we don't need prostitution


we don't need alcohol we don't need you know the the sins of the west but we surely could use a functioning economy


and we surely could use you know business Acumen and uh maybe we have to learn how to filter out the bad but


focus on the good in our in our actions with the West so you know Iran was not nation that was inherently looking for


conflict with the West the the West however was looking for conflict with Iran especially the United States after


197 when the uh students took over the embassy and the Iranian government backed the students we had U you know a


period of time of American humiliation uh we sent in a rescue team uh and then we we had that rescue team um


self-destruct in the deserts desert one um and leaving behind a number of American bodies that were then


desecrated by the um the mulles who poked at the charred bodies uh I can


tell you somebody who was in the military at that time that did not go over well and it still doesn't go over well I mean as much as I try to


articulate the need for better and good relations with the Iranians I will never forgive them for that um I understand we


were in their territory but they took our people hostage they went you know sort of ironic today where the Iranians are screaming you know inviability of


our consulate that is Iranian soil hey you guys you went over American soil and you took over our Embassy and you took


our people hostage but that was many years ago if time different people different attitude today the Iranians


understand that they need to function in a law-based international order not a rules based International order not one


dictated to the World by the United States but a law-based international order based upon interational law is


defined by the United Nations Charter and relevant treaties and agreements that are derived from that um so Iran's


not looking for a fight but Iran also understands that they have a moral obligation to support the Palestinian


people and so on October 7th when Hamas came across the border so to speak and


launched its attack on on Israel uh it began this conflict that's ongoing To


This Day Iran although at the moment the evidence shows Iran was not a player


I've seen people making the argument that Iran was involved in the planning but I don't see any proof of that so


let's just say the jury's still out on that but I'm leaning to Iran was taken by surprise one because they certainly


act like they were tooken by surprise they didn't have a coherent plan on how to respond to what is what what what had


happened but Iran did come to grips they Iran is the leader of what's known as the axis of resistance that is a loose


Coalition of um Shia leaning States uh the the Hezbollah in in Lebanon uh the


al-assad government in Syria um the pro-iranian militias in Syria and Iraq


the Anala movement in U in Yemen um and then there's there's Iran um you know


this this axis of resistance has been in place for many years to stand up to uh


the brutal uh aggression and oppression of Israel and the United States and their Gulf Arab allies um you know the


the policy of the United States and Israel has been for some time to bring down the Iranian government um regime


change uh it's an active policy it's taking place as we speak and so the Iranians as part of


self-preservation created the axis of resistance to push back um and they've been very successful the axis of


resistance is a very uh resilient and um and and Powerful


group Iran took the access of resistance and uh organized it to


support Hamas now the key aspect of this support that the access of res resistance is doing is to make sure that


the world never loses focus on what Israel is doing in Gaza I mean just to be blunt the whole purpose of the Hamas


action on October 7th was to provoke Israel to doing what it's doing you know you let your enemies when your enemy's


doing that which is leading to their defeat you let them do it um and Israel


Hamas knew that Israel would come into Gaza all guns blazing uh they knew that Israel had genocidal Tendencies and they


knew that if um Israel behaved in this way that U you know one Hamas was comfortable that they would be able to


resist Israel militarily uh they were comfortable with the fact that Israeli um crimes in Gaza would only further


support for Hamas amongst the Palestinian people and they were convinced that Israel's crimes against


the Palestinian people would reflect poorly um on Israel in the eyes of the International Community and um Hamas was


correct on all fronts and so was Iran so what Iran didn't want to do is create a situation where the world stopped


talking about Israeli crimes in Gaza and started talking about the ramifications of a bigger larger conflict this is why


Hassan Nala the head of Hezbollah has been engaged in escalation management meaning that he's not allowing the


pressure that he's putting on Israel along the Lebanese border with Israel to blow out of control he limits the scope


and scale of his attacks the Israelis limit the scope and scale of the response it's still very violent people are dying things are being blown up but


it hasn't turned to a fullscale war because Israel doesn't can't handle that Israel


has its hands full with Gaza they can't handle a war Hezbollah doesn't want the people of Lebanon because remember Hezbollah is not just a militia and a


resistance movement it's a political party that's part of the government of Lebanon and so they don't want harm to


come to the people people that they're responsible for that's called responsible governance imagine that so Hezbollah doesn't want this thing to


blow out of control and and bring harm so escalation management there the wild card in all this was on sraa which out


of the blue just said the hell that we're shutting down shipping and even the Iranians are like what you're doing


what yeah we're gonna shut down shipping we're g we're gonna strangle the the Israelis economically you know took


everybody surprise they did it they didn't back down from the United States they're moving forward I mean hats off


to them but everybody else it was all about escalation management including Iran I


mean Iran's planning this but they they're avoiding direct confrontation the problem was the Iranians were doing too well they were


succeeding too much uh Israel was losing this conflict and Israel knew they were losing this conflict um I'll make a


reference to a movie uh I don't know if you've seen it or but I think many people in your audience has and the reason why I bring it up is that when I


talk over on to the history say something you're talking if I mention


the movie Patton they go yeah I saw that movie I saw Patton and I say remember after


Patton beat the Germans together with Montgomery in North Africa they had a


planning meeting it's a famous scene where Patton comes in and breathes on the bathroom window and draws a map and


to tells how he wants to get things done U it was a planning Mee by the top leaders of the British the Americans


they were talking about the next stage going into Italy through Sicily the planning meeting and they all came


together I believe in in in IIA in in Tunis to have this meeting um that's


what was happening at the Consulate in Damascus now let's just straight up because I'm gonna push back against


Pierce Morgan um who talked to a friend of mine an Iranian Professor uh I think


yesterday and was just chastising him he said you know the Iranians held a meeting in a consulate U and it lost its


diplomatic status because it became a military thing I said wait a minute I wish I had answered it because I would


have been like wait I can guarantee that your British embassies all around


the world have U secret intelligence service guys who hold meetings about how


to spy and how to do covert action and on occasion the Brits send military delegations to these embassies who meet


with military delegations in an office in the embassy where they plan military operations against Regional actors


imagine look imagine holding a meeting the British holding a meeting in


um Dubay a friendly Nation about planning military actions against


Iran now the Iranians might not be happy about that but it's at the British Embassy that's like being in England


it's you can't attack it so Pierce Morgan and all the other people out there who say well the fact that the Iranians were holding a meeting in the


consulate um removes the Diplomatic protection that's just the most absurd stupid ignorant thing in the world it


has no foundation in law it's just spinning done by people who are trying to excuse the fact that Israel is a


lawless Nation who carries out action in violation of international law and they did so when they struck this uh this


consult but the Israelis you see they operate under the assumption that they can literally get away with murder because they have let's look what


they've done with Iran in the past decade or so they've killed a number of Iranian nuclear scientists in Iran


assassinated them they've blown up a number of Iranian facilities including nuclear facilities blown it up they've


attacked Iranian interests in the region killing Iranian officers diplomats um


blowing up Iran infrastructure in Lebanon Syria Iraq um I mean you know


Israel's done this and Iran hasn't done anything in response I mean at least not overtly I'm sure behind the scenes


there's hybrid Warfare taking place but Iran has never done something to counter


the illusion of Israeli deterrence dominance U and what I mean by that is


so Israel does whatever it wants and it knows that no one's going to respond against Israel because they're afraid of


what the consequences will be Israel attacked the console and the Iranians said enough is enough


that they can no longer live in a world where is the perception of Israeli um deterrence dominance gives Israel carp


blanch because at what point in time does Israel then say well then we're going to attack Iran itself they just did by attacking the consulate but now


what point point do they say we're just going to come right out and bomb the Iran Iranian nuclear facilities and we expect there to be no response because


Iran is afraid of us and the Iranians don't want that so the way you prevent somebody from attacking you is that you


establish your own deterrence dominance and so said is we're going to attack and they did they attacked very large and it


was a deliberate attack it was designed to accomplish um the thing was designed to accomplish was to prove to Israel


that despite all the money United States had poured in despite all the technology that they brought to bear you know


Israel and the United States were operating under the belief that they had assembled a a


a a missile defense Shield that uh that couldn't be beat could shoot anything down Israel was safe that's part of


deterrent dominance is that we're so strong as Defenders that it's not even worth your effort to come at us and then we're still going to hit you with a


knockout punch if you try Iran reached out and touched Israel um in their most


secretive military bases the two airfields are involved in the attack on the consulate an intelligence gathering


facility and the commander control facility plus several ballist uh ballistic missile defense sites uh Radars and um and missile sites uh Iran


um launched uh you know a a waves of attack drones cruise missiles ballistic missiles Advanced ballistic missiles all


designed to achieve a singular objective to have a number of Iranian missiles hit the most heavily protected


sites in the world pretty much the the naaam airbase was protected by advanced


technology and multiple layers of ballistic missile defense um unlike is seen anywhere in the world and Iran


reached out and um put at least five missiles on that Target they put another


at least five missiles uh the Israelis now are admitting 18 missiles hit um


missiles hit Israel and they hit what they were aiming at in Israel now the Iranians were nice enough not to aim at


Targets that would result in civilian casualties or casualties among anybody


who wasn't involved in the attack on the consulate everything that Iran hit was involved in the attack on the consulate


which makes the Iranian response conformant with the letter of the law


under article 51 of the United Nations Charter the United Nations Charter the law of the land says there's two


conditions under which nations may go to war one is a 7 resolution passed by the security Council authorizing uh the use


of military force to resolve a clear and present danger to International Peace and security Iran did not have a chapter


7 resolution authorizing it to strike Israel but Iran had been attacked by Israel and the forces that had attacked


Iran were still in existence thereby Iran can make the argument that they constituted a clear and present and


ongoing threat to Iran so Iran had to strike back preemptively to prevent


continuation of the violence so under article 51 Iran launched an attack in self-defense against the places against


the units against the locations that had attacked it and they hit every single one of them now the Israelis and the


Americans are spinning this saying ah you sent in hundreds of things we shot it down it's just stupidity no military


professional wored his or herault is agreeing with that uh they may say it um publicly because they're getting paid to


say it but privately if you talk to them they will say that what the Iranians did on April 14th was one of the most


sophisticated um anti-ballistic missile defense campaigns in history um they


went at it they suppressed they overwhelmed and in the end their missiles came through and hit exactly


the targets they went sending the signal to Israel and the United States that no


place was safe from Iran that if Iran wanted to they can reach out and touch any place in Israel anytime they want


and there's nothing the Israelis can do to stop it so that was the statement that Iran did they they reversed


deterrent dominance Iran had become the dominant uh player in the region and that's something that the Israelis


simply could not live with um politically domestically at home even though the Iranians said we're


done Israel this tiny aggressive Nation can't allow itself to be intimidated or


at least to be looking like it's intimidated so they had to do what they're calling a faving response um and


on this one look the jury still out this just happened and I like I said I don't have a hotline to call up Tel Aviv or


call up Tran and get the inside scoop from from uh the Netanyahu government or president risi be nice if I did but I


don't so I have to look at the same data that's available to everybody else but what it appears is that Iran knew that


this attack was coming let me back up in September last


year I had a meeting with senior Iranian officials and at that time I I um I asked the question about um their


deterrence policy because at that time the West Was linking Iran's nuclear programs with their ballistic missile programs and trying to say that both


have to be disarmed in the interest of nuclear nonproliferation and uh I said while the Iranians had made clear that they don't


have an offense or they they don't have a military nuclear program um they're allowing the West to Define um the terms


upon which Iran's ballistic missile program was was being defined as a nuclear a potential nuclear weapons delivery system why doesn't Iran have a


declare you know declaratory policy on deterrence built upon its conventional ballistic missiles meaning that these


missiles exist as a deterrence Force to um prevent anybody from attacking Iran


and you know they gave a him and in h they say we already did that and I said well you've never I can't find any declarator statement I can find


fragments of of conversations you've had with the media with others where if you bring it together one can assume that


such a policy exists but nowhere has Iran come out and said this is our policy the Iranian foreign minister went


to the United Nations and issued Iran's formal declaratory policy on deterrence


that any nation that attacks Iran or Iranian interests in the region will receive a response


that's derived from Iran's missiles and this response will be overwhelming so he made this declaratory policy which is a


big deal because now Iran is forly on record so this is that the next day


literally U things blow up near esphahan and everybody's screaming Israeli


retaliation Israeli retaliation but what's interesting about this is one Israel has not taken formal credit for


this so legally Iran can't say the Israelis did it too it appears that and


again this is still early I you know so I'm going to say this understanding that as facts develop you know we might be


overwhelmed but it appears that the attacks were limited to drones that were


already inside Iran that Israel has certain Assets in Iran that are equipped with drones um and that Israel


authorized these assets to attack certain locations with these drones what happens here is that even if they find


out who released the drones um unless they have proof that Israel gave that order it it will be a terrorist act uh


the drones didn't come from outside into Iran they came from within Iran so who's Iran responding to who attacked it um


and I think this was just a clever way uh for Israel to let everybody know especially the Iranians that they


retaliated they responded but they can also tell their people that we reestablished deterrence dominance even


though they didn't um but it also gives Iran a way out to say you know we don't view this as the kind of threat that


would uh NE that necessitate are acting on what the foreign minister said so as


far as we're concerned the matter is closed and now they can get back to what they're doing in you know supporting


Hamas so I think I answered your question if I didn't please let me


know thank you Scott um I want to really know who benefits from this conflict the


most who is really interested in escalation of this conflict because as you know all of us know on this channel


I'm not an expert in any of this I'm just trying to make sense out of those events because at the end of the day who


is paying the price the taxpayers and the people who are dying in those conflicts so this will go back


and forth with those attacks and then do you think this will go ever nuclear what


weapons will be used in this conflict uh and is United States I'm not saying the


country and I'm not saying the citizens I'm saying the by Administration and it's not even


Biden as we know uh orchestrating all those moves coming from


Israel I just got something going outside my my window big heavy trucks have shown up and my dogs are getting


excited so stand by for barking um I have no idea what's going on but


um symbolic that was symbolic by the way dogs are barking exactly dogs are


barking um who benefits from this um Israel Israel


benefits from this because Israel is distracting its H domestic audience and


the world from the crimes that uh for its failures first of all let's remember that the Benjamin Netanyahu regime um


was exposed as you know the greatest failure in Israel history when it came


to Israeli security by the events of October 7th a total disaster from a intelligence standpoint from a security


standpoint um and the campaign at against Hamas and Gaza is likewise


widely acknowledged in Israel in Israel as a failure that the Netanyahu government hasn't achieved anything


meanwhile they're being intimidated by Hezbollah and now Iran uh attacked it um


this under normal circumstances the Netanyahu government would be out on its ear but this is a wartime government and


so is if they can have something happen that distracts the public away from the


many failures then Netanyahu can argue that I still need to stay in power and so this conflict with Iran was such a


distraction hopefully the Iranians um and I have a great deal of respect for


the sophistication of the Iranians from a diplomatic and political standpoint they understand this and it looks like


they do it looks like they're not going to allow this thing to escalate uh further um but you know so the Iranians


will nip this thing in the butt it's not in Iran's interest to expand this I'll tell you why Iran first first of


all a major war between Iran and Israel has the danger of spinning out of control regionally and globally it could


lead to an energy security crisis globally and when that happens all the


people that are in the streets right now demonstrating on behalf of the Palestinians will be home hungry um


there's no food on the shelves there's no gas to be pumped or they can't afford it um they they'll lose their job um


they they'll not be able to pay their mortgage uh life will become very very complicated and suddenly um they no


longer have the time to carry out um you know these demonstrations for the Palestinian people the Palestinian cause


will be forgotten and that's a strategic defeat for Iran a strategic victory for Israel and so Iran knows this but Iran


also is not in the committing suicide business um Iran for decades has


struggled under economic sanctions imposed on it by the United States in the west um they have just


recently CR the threshold of a new um foreign policy Direction uh China was


able to negotiate a reproach between Iran and Saudi Arabia uh enabling a


deconfliction so to speak of a conflict between the Shia Cresent led by uh Iran


in the Sunni Shield led by uh Saudi Arabia this is something that the United States is trying to impose on the region


to um further the viability of its own military-based presence and also to be


able to incorporate Israel into the um into the security mix by normalizing


relations with Saudi Arabia United Arab and other Gulf Arab states um so they


they undermined that by choosing peace and then you know Iran is a member of the Shanghai cooperation organization


they've started pivoting to the east to make that their priority economic viability economic


prosperity and Iran and Saudi Arabia both recently joined um the bricks Forum


together with the United Arab Emirates and other nations uh Iran is focused on you know attending the bricks Forum in


Kazan Russia in October where they're literally going to redefine the world I


mean that's what's happening that the world is moving away from a western Centric world to a brick Centric world and Iran is part of the brick Centric


world this is good for Iran the last thing Iran needs is a war with Israel


it's the last thing Iran wants is a war with Israel but Iran had to establish deterrent dominance to make a point that


Israel doesn't have car to attack Iran or Iranian interests so Iran engaged in


this action uh with the goal of establishing um you know a a a policy


without allowing the action of establishment to become a general War so it's not in Iran's interest to do this


it's not in America's interest to do this um you know who you know who has had Iranian deterrence dominance uh put


on them the United States think about it uh under Donald Trump we assassinated kasum suani uh it's the Grievous breach


of international law murder um and the Iranians retaliated they they sent a strike against the al-assad aabas now


they gave us advanced notice so that we could get our troops out of Harm's Way but their missiles cut through all of our missile defense systems and hit


exactly what they were supposed to hit and the Iranians made it clear that they could do that they could replicate that result anywhere they want in the Middle


East where American bases are and they demonstrated to the United States that we lack the ballistic missile defense


capability to protect our sites so that we are literally open game how do we know that this dominance worked well


Iran shot down a global hawk drone a big multi-million dollar Global Hawk drone


um and Donald Trump said we need to hit the Iranian air defense sites that shot it down and he was warned by his


Pentagon they said if we hit them Iran's goingon to retaliate Trump's like so they said you don't understand Mr President we can't we can't stop them


we'll strike well then we'll go to war Mr President if we bring our ships in they're going to SN them they have these missiles that can reach out and touch us


um if we go to war it's going to take many months to assemble Force the war could last many years and we don't know


if we can guarantee a victory moreover during this time Iran will shut down the straight of hor m shut down oil traffic


through that and strangle the global economy and um you're going to be voted out of office because of gas prices and


no food and all this kind of stuff we don't want to do that so Trump backed down that's called deterrence dominance


Iran was able to establish a deterrence policy that deterred the United States


from carrying out a strike inside Iran and so the United States that's why the United States told Israel we're not going to be part of any attack against


Iran because we know what the consequences will be and I guess we were trying to explain to the Israelis but remember we have to deal with things


politically every military professional in the United States knows what happened on on April 14th our ballistic missile


Shield was shown to be ineffective this is a scary thing for the United States because the same ballistic missile


Shield that we have overlaid the Middle East to defend Israel and our Gulf Arab states remember we're trying to convince


the gulf Arab states that our missile def system can protect them from Iran Etc we also put the similar technology


over Europe over South Korea Japan over Taiwan and we're trying to convince all


those Nations to side with us because we can protect you from missile attacks and the Iranians just prove that that's a


lie that you know a nation that's equipped with modern ballistic missile technology can defeat the best ballistic


missile defense technology the West has the North Koreans now know that there's


nothing the West has that can shoot down their missiles China knows Russia knows it's a very dangerous situation for the United States one that you don't want to


you know it's one thing to have your policy makers be aware of this but you don't want your public talking about this so what happened on April 15th the


day after the attack is United States and Israel go this is nothing we shot everything down it worked great our


missile defense system is awesome man you guys should like double down and buy more of it it's really good stuff this


is like biding into a rancid McDonald burger uh knowing that it's rotten and horrible but going out making


commercials about how good McDonald's is you know we know that our missile defense system doesn't work we know because the Iranians just proved it and


the Iranians know it doesn't work because they know what missiles they fired they know where they wanted the missiles to go and they know where they hit um but we have to maintain this this


fiction because of domestic political problems Joe Biden is in the midst of a uh of a of a reelection campaign where


it doesn't look too good for him does he really want to be explaining the American people why we've poured


hundreds of billions of dollars into a missile defense seal that doesn't work does he really want to explain that


American people no he does not Benjamin Netanyahu is living on a Razor's Edge uh


any moment now he can be U you know kicked out of office does he really want to admit to the Israeli public that he


failed yet again that all this missile defense stuff that the Israelis have poured billions of dollars into doesn't


work no so they lie and what's new but a politician lips move especially Western


politicians what do you know you know they're lying um and so they lie the United States lies but it's in the


interest of of of Israel to perpetuate this lie um and and to carry out these


actions because it's a distraction from what's really going on uh in in in in Gaza this ongoing genocide in Gaza we


you know you and I just spend a lot of time talking about an Iranian missile attack and the response what weren't we talking about genocide and Gaza the


Iranians know that they have to shut this thing down because they want the whole world to be talking about genocide and Gaza the Israelis on the other hand


want to keep this thing going uh because it's a distraction from genocide in Gaza uh the less we talk about what's


happening in Gaza the more to service we do to the people of


Palestine thank you Scott so since we are talking about politicians I want


to bring something that probably many of you don't know because most of you that


are watching us live right now just come here for Scot readers so you probably don't watch my solo videos but that's


okay no offense my ego is not crushed I promise you so few days ago in Poland


one of the main radio stations that is also streamed on YouTube it's called radio Z the vice minister of the


National Defense of Poland so the next person behind shikori radosav shikori


who I always describe as the norstrom pipeline poof he said thank you USA on


Twitter then and then he deleted it so the man behind him his name is Shaina


when he was asked should Poland support Israel and the conflict with Iran right away he


said yes so here is my question Scott 2005 Iraq Poland sent 2,500 soldiers 28


were killed 150 wounded for what I am asking right now you know better than


anyone else for what and let me ask you is is it any other country going to be


involved in this conflict because this is we are actually I think we are already in World War II in some way


shape or form what countries will get involved in this and how this will


ultimately go because if if this goes worldwide which there is a very high


chance it might po repeat the same stupid mistake what's going to happen Scott


will this go


nuclear I think your question is not just limited to Europe but I think you're also referring to the


Middle East um potential as well so I'll answer that and then I'll I'll shift to


Europe um Israel has nuclear weapons and Israel has a deterrence policy based


upon the existence of these nuclear weapons but the problem is that Israel also has a Warf fighting policy that um


incorporates nuclear weapons and so when you have a war fighting policy that incorporates nuclear weapons and you


start losing Wars there's the potential that you will be tempted to use nuclear weapons to reverse the uh trajectory of


defeat um and Israel right now is losing Wars um and so there's a real risk that


if this thing for instance if the conflict with Iran started to spin out control we we heard I don't know how


many people picked up on this yesterday um a senior revolutionary guard Commander came out and said if Israel


attacks our nuclear facilities um we may reverse our policy on nuclear weapons


um and just so everybody understands Iran is in a position to where they


could probably produce three to five nuclear weapons within a two week span if they wanted to simple weapons not


complex weapons simple gun designs uh taking um you know High enriched uranium


um and you turn it into basically with a gun design you have a Target you take a


chunk of uh of fizi material over here and separate it and the idea is to shoot


it so that it hits this target with such mass that it creates CR you know you get critical mass and you get a chain


reaction and boom off it goes it's not the most effective weapon in the world depending on its design and the


Purity and everything you may not get a complete um nuclear explosion but you


you can still have something goes off that destroys a city um crude design but it's something that Iran could do very


quickly they're familiar with all aspects of that of that technology and it would just take them they've buried


their centrifuges deep underground and if they ever got the feeling that Iran and the United States were coming after


those cfug just to eliminate them those cfug the last Act of those centrifuges would be to take 60% uh enriched uranium


and turn it into 91% enriched uranium they have the ability to transform that into metal shape that metal into um you


know a a Target and a slug and put it into a crude uh a crude Warhead that can be loaded onto a missile and um boom


there you go now Iran has nuclear weapons and then what now is is has said that if Iran has nuclear we've said if


Iran has nuclear weapons we will attack Iran you know nuclear weapons are supposed to be a force of deterrence if


we attack deterrance has failed and what do you do um you use those nuclear weapons to punish the people that


attacked you now we have a nuclear conflict so yeah this thing uh that's


going on between Iran and Israel extremely dangerous extremely dangerous because Israel has nuclear


weapons and those nuclear weapons factor into um its military policy and its military policy uh may turn its sights


on taking down Iran's peaceful nuclear program which Iran would then turn into a military program and now Iran has


retaliatory capability Iran's already shown the willingness to strike Israel boom it's all


over and that is a real threat this is why anybody out there that's screaming


oh Iran's weak you said you were gonna hit Israel if they attacked you and now you're letting them hit you with the


drones and you're a joke you're weak and all that it's actually one of the the greatest acts of political maturity


that's taking place right now in ton because they're in a very difficult situation they have established a


deterrence policy that has shown that it has teeth and now they're successfully deescalate a crisis that could have spun


out of control we don't want Iran to go nuclear what we do need is for the world to talk about getting rid of Israel's


nuclear weapons but that's a different discussion uh but no the answer your question about nuclear weapons in the


Middle East extraordinarily dangerous situation that could easily uh have spun out of control and still can easily spin


out of control because we're not out of the water yet Israel's still committing genocide in Gaza and the more Israel


fails in its policy there the more desperate it will become the more it'll be seeking distractions through um you


know other conflicts like the one that they almost had with Iran in Europe


um look NATO's in a very difficult situation right now because they've been promising their people Victory the


certainty of victory they've also defined Putin as a existential


threat and the only thing certain right now is Russian Victory against Ukraine um I mean this war is all but over um


and Europe realizes that and also Europe is realizing just how fundamentally weak they are because of this conflict and


because of what they've done in this conflict uh draining their reserves um not mobilizing their defense industry in


time um not having adequate military Doctrine military postures um you know


military organization and watching Russia just get stronger and stronger and stronger every day um they're in an


absolute Panic now a realist will say they have nothing to fear that um


Russia's goal is just to finish the Ukrainian problem that Russia is not going to be moving on into Warsaw or any


of the Baltic states or against Romania it isn't going to happen but the fearmongers are saying that it will


happen and that they have to prepare for that um and the the second you you you


say that then people will say well what if we preempt the Russian Victory by engaging in Ukraine now while we can


while there's still a Ukraine left to engage with um and this is where you get you know Emanuel macron talking about


sending troops he fact did send troops and artillery pieces Russia killed them all um and Russia will kill everybody


who steps into Ukraine um because Russia won't tolerate it Russia can't it's like letting the camel's nose into the tent


you know you got a tent you're trying to go to bed at night you got your camel tethered outside don't let the camel put


his nose Under the Tent the second he does smack it away because if you let the nose stay there then the head comes


in then the neck comes in next thing you know the camel's in the tent and that's how Russia has to view NATO Poland and


Ukraine don't let them get in there oh it's just non-combat stuff don't worry about it we're just going in help with


de mining we're going in help with Logistics nope that's the nose following the nose will come the head but we're


going to move some other troops in there then comes the neck even more troops then the whole C all of NATO's in there and the Russians going well that's not


what we want too late camel's in the tent man so Russia is punching that nose as soon as it comes under they did that


with the French they'll do it with the polls um but it's a dangerous situation because at what point you already hear


the French I mean coule you had a French General saying we have 200 nuclear weapons we could destroy 200 Russian


cities like well there's just a sick way of approaching life um but Russia has


you know thousands of nuclear weapons and they can destroy all of France um not only that they can launch a preemptive strike and you're encouraging


them to launch a preemptive strike to be honest if I were a Russian this is why they will never let me be a politician because all the people out there are


like Scott's all about peace Scott's all about I am but you don't get to push me around and if France threatened me with


200 nuclear weapons there'd be a phone call to mccrone uh saying I need you to reverse that statement or we're going to


assume that you intend to follow through on that and we're going to just start taking out your nuclear submarines and we're going to pemp strike all of your


nuclear bases and it's G to happen and if you hicc up then we nuke you because you just threaten us with nuclear weapons and we're not gonna we don't


live in a world where you get to threaten us with nuclear weapons um dangerous situation um you know at what


time point in time does France admit defeat because that's ultimately what has to happen here Europe has to admit


that they lost Ukraine because they have lost Ukraine there's nothing going to happen that reverses that and so long as


Europe operates under the presumption that they can reverse it if they just show enough will just enough political


will if we just put enough troops in there if we just stand up to the Russians but the Russians have already


said that if you put troops and that's becomes a conflict with NATO and that's


not going to go well that will probably end with a nuclear exchange um that's


nuclear war now to me there's less of a chance of Europe going nuclear than the Middle East going nuclear but still it's


there um you know the the only good news is I think the West is starting to wake


up to the fact that Russia has won this War I mean even Wall Street Journal New York Times Washington Post all these


journals are finally just saying it's over it's over Ukraine can't win even as they talk you know military aid coming


out of the US Congress when people start to parse that out they go well this really isn't going to change anything it's going to enable zalinsky to pay


pensions but we know that he won't pay pensions we know he's going to pocket this money because he's a corrupt man the final this is the final money


laundering effort by the West to enrich zalinsky and his cronies before they flee none of this money will go to


pensioners none of this money will go to pay salaries it'll all go into corruption because Ukraine is a collapsing State um but the other stuff


you know most of it goes to building weapons to replace American weapons we've already given to the ukrainians some of it goes to producing


new weapons for ukraines but that's going to take months if not years um there's G to be very little meaningful impact on the battlefield and Russia has


such dominance on the battlefield right now that trying to bring in new weapons they're going to get destroyed before they get to the battlefield so you know


there's nothing that can happen to reverse what's happening U there the best thing that the Europe could do is


admit defeat and uh prepare for what comes afterwards because at some point in time they're going to have to sit down at a table with Russia and it's


time for Europe to start figuring out what they want what they want to say and um you know how they're going to


convince the Russians that they're you know um partners that can be trusted because right now Russia doesn't trust


Europe Russia doesn't trust the United States why would they they all that's happened is everybody's lied to Russia they've tried to kill they are killing


Russians uh they've tried to destroy the Russian government why would the Russians ever say yeah you guys are okay we'll sit down and talk to you um so


it's a it's a tough situation but I I believe believe that the scope and scale of the Russian Victory in the time frame


in which it's going to happen is going to be too fast for the West to actually put together a coherent policy that U


that could lead to decisive confrontation thank you Scott I want to say something um a little bit aside from


what you just said because I have to address it um I think at this point we have much


more important things going on in the world we are on the brink of a


worldwide conflict right now in my opinion so any of you who really are so


narrow-minded and put some nasty comments towards myself or my guest please leave this uh live stream right


now because if you are so small just to focus on yourself and some insignificant


stuff at this point then I don't see any hope for you maybe next lifetime okay not live stream your lifetime so now I


would like to ask Scott about this Maria zakova I listened to her today


and she said that every second United States spends about $80,000 on


Ukraine Russia is ramping up the weapon production this is a little um part of


the article I came across this morning in recent months top Russian officials including defense minister SE Shu have


claimed record numbers reporting to Putin that the military industrial complex in Russia has quadrupled


production of armed Vehicles wi so five times more the supply of tanks and uh


manufacturer of drones and artillery shells by nearly 17 times will Russia


stand behind Iran if this conflict uh escalates and if so what this will mean


to Russia well first of all let's focus on the military industry aspect of this um


two Summits ago I guess the vilnia summit um no that was I'm sorry that was the last Summit the vilnia Summits in


July of 2023 NATO Summit stoltenberg um Secretary General


talked about building a 300,000 strong rapid response Force NATO rapid response force it took a lot of NATO members by


surprise because they were like where are these troops coming from who's going to pay for it how are we going to equip


them but on paper it looked very nice 300,000 since that time France has


struggled to increase the reinforced Battalion that it has in um in Romania


to a brigade size for potential deployment into um into Ukraine Germany


has announced the creation of a brand new brigade the 45th Lithuania armor Brigade um that it's going to send to


Lithuania but it's not going to be ready until 2047 at the earliest uh Germany


still doesn't know how they're going to get the battalions that are earmarked for this up to speed where how they


going to modernize and where the men are going to come from um if Germany and France the two


most powerful armies on the European continent are struggling on deploying a brigade where


are 300,000 troops going to come from and and where's the equipment going to come from now let's put this in let's talk about the United States


too because a lot of people in Europe are sort of um saying well America will back us up don't worry America's there


for us well there were people in the United States that took a look at the current Force structure in the United


States and said in order for America to be in a position to be competitive militarily against Russia and China we


would need to increase our the size of our uh forces Ground Forces especially by 15 to 200,000 so we do have to expand


our military at the same time that we're talking about expanding our military our military recruitment goals for the US


Army um were 60,000 short we can't nobody wants to join the Army


as a result the US Army had to shrink at a time when people are saying we have to expand by you know 200,000 the US Army


shrink by 24,000 because we had a Manpower we have these billets that are unfilled and uh so what we had to do is


reorganize and get rid of those billets so that we have a structure that meets the reality so the US Army is not going


to be there for you Europe we can't even sustain what we have here meanwhile


Russia because of the stupidity of NATO and the expansion of NATO in Sweden and Finland


Russia said that we're going to expand our army from 900,000 to 1.5 million as


we speak the Russian military has is almost at that objective they're up to about 1.3 million so the Russian army at


a time when US Army shrinking NATO can't generate brigades the Russian army grew


by 400,000 they growing more and this doesn't include um the unique


recruitments being done for the special military operation you know in Russia today as we speak um around 1,500 men


every day are volunteering for uh this war um arestovich the former adviser to


zalinski who you know is lately um since he left zalinski service has been speaking a lot more realistically about


the problems he uh he talked the other day he said you know in Russia right now


there's a phenomena of 40y old men going to doctors now most people would say aha


four-year-old men going to doctors to get certified that they're physically unfit so that they they don't have to go to war no 40y old men who have chronic


health issues that prude them from joining the military are going to the doctors on their own paying their own


money to get these medal conditions reversed to heal themselves so they can go to war that's an amazing concept they


so much believe in defending their country they so much believe in the righteousness of their cause that


40-year-old men who are on the cusp of retirement men who have wives and children and careers are going to go out


of the way spend their own money so they can be deemed to be healthy enough to go to war and then they go to war Russia is


full of people like this so you take that defense industry you talked about where they're just cranking things out


it's not just cranking out to go on a warehouse It's cranking out to arm an expanding military of patriotic Russians


who believe that the world is against them um this is the West needs to wake up to what's


going on here this is insanity to continue to poke the bear this way um you know there's an old Russian saying


the Russians are um slow to harness but quick to ride meaning that it it


sometimes takes the Russians a while to get going um to get them up to get them focused to get them going but once once


they are bam you can't stop them and Russia now has been harnessed and


they're moving and the West can't stop this the West can't stop this um you know so it's it's so that's what's going


on will Russia will Russ long in this if this escalate which it looks like it


will what let's let's let's talk about what it means to get behind um I'll use


by example China and Russia because right now though you know the United States is accusing China of of assisting


Russia in its war on Ukraine but where are the Chinese divisions where's the Chinese airplanes there's no Chinese


military presence in Ukraine but see war is an extension of politics by by the main you can't just look at military


power when you talk about war you got to talk about diplomatic support economic support what China has done is become a strategic partner to Russia allowing the


Russian economy to shift away from the West to the east China's provided a guaranteed um you know economic engine


for the Russians to plug into so that the Russian economy rather than shrinking and collapsing because of sanctions is expanding becoming more


healthy um how will Russia help Iran one they'll continue to expand um your


Iranian uh economic engagement that they won't allow Iran to suffer under any sanctions um two they will make sure


that Iran uh has available Advanced military technology to offset whatever


um disadvantages they currently have against the United States and Israel Iran Russia had been hesitant in the


past to provide some of the more Advanced Technologies out of fear of destabilization but if Israel and United


States are going to put Iran in the crosshairs Russia will give Iran all of the equipment it needs and at some point


in time if the United States becomes directly involved Russia May um put its


own aircraft it may pull a Syria and put aircraft and air defense systems in Iran challenging the United States to attack


for Russia to say we are guaranteeing the security of Iran and if you if you attack Iran you'll be attacking us now


we have a broader War so I think I think Russia is committed to the security of Iran they have said so it's not me


making this up there are statements out there where Russia has said at the highest levels we are committed to the security of Iran um but what that means


can be defined in different ways but I don't think that Russia is just going to stand by and let the United States and


Israel attack and Destroy Iran that's not going to happen Russia will be there for Iran thank you Scott one more question


that is strictly military and as you know I don't know really anything about this but I'm kind of curious I'm


interested because I read about it what is this new Russian missile k69


is it the kinsall is it the zeron I don't know I mean what what does it have a name I'd have to look up


KH I read an article that this is like the most advanced newest Russian missile


that is the biggest threat and the name is KH


69 a new long range Cru M I know what you're talking about I've seen I've seen


it um let me just the beauty of go is I could the k69 missile is a reporting


stealy ex except the beauty of Google except that they truck us whole that's


another story sure now I've got the FBI has now just registered that I looked up k69 and they're going to be concerned


that somehow I'm going to empower Russian stealth cruise missiles to impact on American soil and so as we speak they'll kick through the door and


you guys will have the thrill of watching me shot live on I don't know but at the point is um no I I saw


reports about that um we hear something inter ared about Russian defense industry you know in peace time your uh


your weapons are developed based upon imagination what you imagine the future


war is going to look like um but in Wartime you know what war looks like the


West had provided Ukraine with some of its best technology directly and indirectly um especially when it comes


to air defense and Russia's learned a lot about it Russia's learned about how Western Radars work how uh things


communicate how the connectivity between Radars and the The Intercept system works Etc and Russia sends this data to


its defense industry and unlike the United States which is solely focused on earning money so they'll stretch out a


contract forever overcharging you so they can pocket money the Russian defend ind's job is to get a weapon out there


now that's ready to go now and the k69 is a variant of the existing KH 59


cruise missile which Russia has used uh but Russia has seen that missile get intercepted on occasion it's a missile


that um the Western air defense has an answer to on occasion and so but it's a


it's an effective weapon it's part of the Russian Arsenal their operational plans incorporate the use of this weapon so what they did is they upgraded it


based upon the intelligence that they've gathered from this war to create a stealthier variant that's designed to go


through Western Air defenses so you know thank you if if the Russians were in the


business of thanking people they should thank the West for giving them access to uh their air defense capabilities so


that that Russia can design a better cruise missile thank you I'm sorry one more question because someone just asked one


second here Finnish president is open for us nukes on the Russia border do you


know what that means stupidity in the extreme um the


Russians have already put them on notice that there will be a military technical response to that now that doesn't mean that Russia is going to attack Finland


but let's let's put it this way when Finland wasn't a member of NATO Russia didn't have a St Petersburg military


District um there was no need for one they didn't view Finland as a threat um


they peacefully coexisted with Finland Finland joined NATO and now Russia has built the St Petersburg military


district and the Moscow military District but there's a new 70,000 strong Uh Russian core in uh right on the


border with u with Finland and the fins are going what are they doing well you join NATO that's what they're doing


they're responding to your action and now fin is going to say we we will accept nuclear weapons what Russia will


do is now Russia will put nuclear weapons in this new core they'll put nuclear weapons in the col and Finland will become a a target a nuclear Target


and they'll and Russians will tell Finland that if there's a war um Helsinki is do F goodbye all of you were


desad goodbye you're all now you've committed suicide the guarantee is that if there's a war with NATO you will all


die because we're going to kill you because you've brought nuclear weapons there so we have to assume that you represent a mortal threat to us um and


then Finland has to live with the certainty of nuclear destruction if there's a conflict with NATO and again if I were a Finnish civilian who just


two years ago is living in peace and harmony with the Russians freely going over the Border partying in St Petersburg Russians were coming over


partying in hellsinki um all that today they closed the border and um


you know that that that there's no trade and now you you have a military threat you know Russia with this 70,000 strong


will cut through the Finnish defenses like a hot knife through butter for instance if there's ever an escalation of conflict in the baltics


Russia may go ahead and seize Helsinki and clear out the finnished coastline just as part of the security uh because


Finland has been bragging about how the Baltic has become a NATO Lake Russia will take over 50% of the lake uh


property and prove them wrong uh you know finland's now is is living a nightmare a nightmare because now


instead of worrying about peace and prosperity they're going to be pouring money into trying to build up their


defenses and yet the more money they pour in the more response has and next thing you know finland's going to be bankrupt which frankly they


deserve thank you Scott and last question is about your health because I know many people in the chats here are


concerned actually like to ask you is everything okay with your throat uh look the the the last couple


weeks have been hell on Earth for me because um I I had tried to take control of my uh interview schedule because I


want to write I I had a obligation to a good friend that I needed to finish but I um every time the world blew up and


next thing I know I'm doing interview after interview and I think doing 12 hours of interviews 14 days in a row has


destroyed my health so hopefully this uh this war will calm down I forget that I'm a 62y old man I'm not a young kid


anymore and if I don't get my good night's beauty sleep not only do I get uglier but my health deteriorates so uh


I just got to take control of the interview schedule but I couldn't tell no I couldn't say no to you today because I owed you one because of what I


did to you last week so um but no I am I'm going to start taking control of my interview schedule I apologize for


people who are like oh I want to see Scott Ritter you'll see me but not as often because I really do have to shut


up and um and and a I have to write and B I need to just rest this pathetical


voice of mine but thank you for asking thank you Scott so much and so I


would like to say big big thank you for finding time and for for finishing our project that will


be announced soon not yet not yet let's just wait let's just wait yes this is


this will be announced in the right time


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