Petrodollar kamikaze in Gaza

The tide has turned against the Zionist warmongers today.

The whole world today is in no mood to see babies dying in Gaza any longer from relentless Israeli bombings.

Bombings on Gaza will not get rid of the Palestinians in Gaza, which means that Israel adopted the wrong strategy from the outset.

Nuking Gaza is not an option for the Israeli military, not now, not ever and never will be an option.

Criticizing Zionism - and not every Jew is a Zionist - is the in thing nowadays because it amplifies pro-humanity views.

People can easily understand and are discerning enough to discuss ideas relating to the Jews versus Zionism.

Some of the most vocal adversaries of Zionism are Jews.

Zionists are joined at the hip with the energy - oil and gas - corporations for the sake of prime real estate, in the Middle East and the oil corporations are joined to the US military industrial complex to form the unholy trinity of political mafia that is crushing humanity asunder.

When one section of humans are being unjustly treated, don’t expect other human beings elsewhere who are witnessing injustices to keep quiet about it.

The greed of imperialists have a great part to play in the destruction of Gaza.

Petrodollar fiat kamikaze in Gaza is linked to the moral-ethical flip that exposes the insatiable lust for wealth by oil & gas imperialists for coveting 1 trillion cubic feet of black gold which does not belong to them. The word kamikaze is accurate. The petrodollar is committing kamikaze in Gaza.

There is no return for the petrodollar after Gaza.

However, 85 percent of the Jews in Israel are in favor of continual subjugating of Palestinians in Gaza even if they don’t like the way the IDF and the ultra right wing government are conducting military operations there.

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