
Showing posts from June, 2024

Video: Mobilization Of Ummah & The End Times


The Global Power Struggle: Arab-African Solidarity & Muslim Unity

  Transcript 0:02 there's there's really a 0:04 worldwide power 0:07 struggle uh there's a worldwide power 0:10 struggle going on that will frankly 0:12 determine the course of the next two or 0:14 three generations and it all has to do 0:16 with the transition to the global 0:18 South it has to do 0:21 with whether or not uh the owners and 0:25 controllers of Global Financial ass 0:26 Capital will be 0:28 contained uh or will 0:31 dominate dominate in a new updated 0:34 version of the same type of Ruthless 0:35 imperialism and uh 0:37 colonization uh that we've known for the 0:39 last century or 0:41 more the countries of 0:43 bricks uh particularly China Russia 0:46 South Africa and Saudi 0:48 Arabia uh are actively trying to steer 0:50 the trajectory away uh from this sort of 0:54 domination but the OC GFC are predatory 0:56 by Nature they're predatory by Nature 0: