Parallels between Hamas and the African National Congress in the sense of liberation from oppression.

Hamas and the African National Congress (ANC) are both political movements that have engaged in armed resistance against what they perceive as oppressive regimes. 

Hamas is fighting against Israel, which it accuses of occupying and oppressing the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank. The ANC fought against the apartheid system in South Africa, which discriminated and oppressed the black majority population.

The ANC was also labeled a terrorist group by the apartheid regime and some Western countries, but it gained international recognition and support as a legitimate liberation movement, especially after its leader Nelson Mandela was released from prison and became the first black president of South Africa.

The relationship between Hamas and the ANC is controversial and complex. The ANC has expressed solidarity and support for the Palestinian cause and has criticized Israel’s policies and actions in Gaza and the West Bank. The ANC has also hosted Hamas officials in South Africa and has compared their struggle to that of the anti-apartheid movement. 

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