
Showing posts from January, 2024

Palestine Versus Israel: Why not tell the truth?

Peled said, "Why not tell the truth... That this and similar tragedies are taking place because we are occupying another nation and that in order to save lives the right thing to do is to end the occupation and negotiate a just peace with our Palestinian partners? Summarize why Miko Peled is advocating the dismantling of the state of Israel? What the logic behind his assertion? Miko Peled, an Israeli-American activist, author, and karate instructor, advocates for the dismantling of the state of Israel due to his belief that it is an apartheid state 1 .  He asserts that Israel’s intent from the very beginning was not to live with the Palestinians, but to destroy and get rid of them 2 .  He believes that a single-state solution is closer than many people think because of the changing mindsets of many Israelis, American Jews, and Holocaust survivors 1 . Peled’s views are influenced by his personal experiences and family history. His father, Mattityahu Peled, was a general in the Six-

Video Infoblog: Max Blumenthal & Miko Peled : Where is the War in Gaza Going?

Transcript 0:07 my name is Bruce F I'm Vice chairman of the committee for the Republic uh and I welcome everyone today 0:15 for hazarding the inclement weather and uh 0:20 treacherous sidewalks to get here I know it's an ordeal especially in Washington when snowflake sends tear to bureaucracy 0:30 yes we're gathered tonight to be undeceived of the orwellian propaganda 0:37 of the Israeli Lobby the B Administration Congress and University campuses about the ongoing October 7th 0:46 Israeli War in Gaza that has endured for more than 100 0:53 days this grizzl has no end insight 1:01 our speakers display Fearless intellectual depth and moral 1:07 courage m p who I'm told is on his way up from the parking lot and Max B was 1:17 here in the front row they accepted ostracism within their communities as the price of speaking 1:25 truth to power the committee s celebrates 1:31 citizens who have what it takes to declare the emperor has no 1:37 clothes as we would not give equal t